Friday, 2 May 2014

Lots going on!!

My Penguin Easter Egg from Grandma and Grandad

Yummy Egg

Me as a Penguin on World Book Day

I am penguin crazy!!!!

Me on my birthday last September
Katate certificate and mums stitching framed

Monday, 11 March 2013


On Friday we could dress in 'Costumes from around the world'.

The school was celebrating Integration week and the theme was 'Me, We and our World'

My class was France so I went as a Frenchman

Sunday, 27 January 2013

karate form

This is what i got when i went to karate when brendan thoght im skilled for karate.

Friday, 25 January 2013

My Penguins

Hi  mummy stitched  my penguins and i chose the frame!!!!

Friday, 11 January 2013


Hi there

I'm Conor and welcome to my Blog of Stuff!!

I am new to blogging but I think I will soon know what I am doing :-)

I really enjoy going to Karate.  I have been going for over a year and I am a Yellow Belt now.

I hope to do my next grading in a few months.

Me with my Yellow Belt

My mummy and my younger brothers and sisters went to see Santa.  He came to a party in the place I do Karate.  It was so funny because I wanted to see Santa and do my last Karate lesson before Christmas.  So I was allowed to run in between rooms with my big brother, mummy or mummys friend coming to get me!  ha ha ha it was funny!

How many kids can say they had their photo taken in their Karate suit with Santa.  A really good day with my family.